Winter Featured Artist: Ellen Levy
by Tiffani Rex

1) What kind of alcohol ink artist are you? How did you get started? Tell us a little about you.
My degree and background are in graphic design. I have been painting since I was a child and started focusing more on abstract painting about 20 years ago. I’ve worked with mixed media, but ink has always been a staple. About five years ago, I discovered alcohol ink and immediately knew I’d found my primary medium. I love the endless possibilities and the challenges that never get boring. I love the spontaneity and the expressive possibilities this medium offers.

2) What would you say are your specialties as an alcohol ink artist? What sets you apart?
I almost always incorporate a sense of movement and imaginary forms, and I use a lot of line work with brushstrokes. I spend most of my time working with brushes to carve shapes and create movement. I’m never afraid of trying new colors and combinations.

3) Do you teach how to do this at all? How can we learn from you?
I don’t teach, but if someone wants to contact me with questions, I’ll be happy to help. I don’t really know how to teach this technique since I work intuitively. Every artist needs to explore their own style by practicing a lot and finding what works for them. Part of the process is experimenting with different ink brands.

4) What advice for new alcohol ink artists would you offer?
My advice to new alcohol ink artists is to understand and accept from the start that this is a medium you cannot fully control. You have to go with the flow and let it surprise you. From there, you can find your own style. Look at other artists’ work, but then find your own voice. It’s important to practice a lot and try different techniques and inks.

5) What have you enjoyed most about using T-Rex Inks? Do you have any in-depth review videos / posts about our inks we can link to?
What I like about T-Rex Inks is their vivid, beautiful colors while still maintaining fluidity. I’ve been working with white ink on black paper, which is one of the hardest techniques in alcohol ink. I’ve tried all the brands, and T-Rex has the most manageable, high-quality white.
Thanks so much for the interview Ellen! We are huge fans of your work, and can't wait to see what else that brilliant mind of yours creates.
You can see Ellen's amazing artworks on her Instagram profile @elleniya6 here.