Timelapse Tutorial Painting using just one color: INFINITY TEAL
by Tiffani Rex
To do this tutorial you will need:
- INFINITY TEAL ink from the T-Rex Inks 12 Pack Shimmer Set
- Stardust Clear Blender (Included in Shimmer Set or bigger bottle)
- Heat Gun / Hair Dryer
- Alcohol Ink Paper
- Isopropyl Alcohol
- Paintbrush
- Proper Ventilation & PPE
The beauty of our alcohol inks is that in working with just one color, you can unleash a spectrum of undertones, bringing out hues you never knew were there. Our teals are like that: INFINITY TEAL, ISLAND TEAL, TIDAL TEAL all offer tones that dip beneath the surface of the readily apparent and offer a mystical allure of shades for the artist's arsenal. We think this is what makes them the top selling colors.
We like to start all alcohol ink paintings with a wet page, either by using isopropyl alcohol or our clear blender. Curious what the difference is? We have an article for that here. Either way, the ink is ready to flow at its finest in this state. If you are going for airy and billowy, this is the way to start.
Less is more here. Just a couple drops will do for a light thinned out color scheme where you really see the undertones. More ink makes for a darker effect and less undertones. The blow dryer or low setting heat gun gets that flow moving and setting in place. From here, just play! Add more drops of clear blender if you want it lighter. Clean up the edges, or add splashes. It is an intuitive art from, not an exacting one, and that is what makes it so fun.
Make sure and tag us @trexinks when you create so we can see it and cheer you on to our community.